Traditional batik cloth design of canting and Anglo tools. Anglo is a small stove used to make the ai in the night melt (wax) batik. The most used fuel-oil.
Sarimbit is uniform for husbands and wives. Not necessarily very similar. Sometimes there is a motive was the same but different colors. There are also the same color but the motive for the wife is more feminine. There is a uniform made as a boss. There are also uniform in the form of a husband and wife wearing a shirt made of cloth with the same bahgan. The motive of this is to sarimbit. Imposed on top of a mannequin is to be made shirts. While the wife can wear his subordinates / fabric and scarves. For superiors or kebaya worn with a blouse made from plain color match.
Lover of red can also express themselves in fashion Batik. There are printed batik, batik there. There was a motive Tasik, there are motifs that are in Megamendung. Some are with a scarf like in the picture above.
Batik Jogja characterized by classical motifs. Beautiful. Elegant. Colors used are black, brown, and white. Enjoy the beauty of batik Malioboro Yogyakarta
Sekar Jagad motif illustrates the diversity of flowers and plants. This motif found in several areas, with distinctive interpretations vary. Motifs of Batik Tasikmalaya sekar universe made much use of pink and orange.
Mega Unisex batik motif symbolizing the rain clouds as the bearer of the bearer of fertility, and the giver of life. The history of this motif associated with the arrival of China's history in Cirebon. Sunan Gunung Jati who developed Islamic teachings in Cirebon area married a Chinese princess Named Tie Ong. The cloud motif illustrates the cultural influence of China in Cirebon batik designs.
Motifs of birds and butterflies in the batik fabric
Besides flowers, which is quite often used as motifs on batik are birds and butterflies. As in the following motives. Motive seems firmly on the white background.
Fabric Batik Parang is one of the popular classic batik motifs
Parang motif itself consists of a variety of motives other subordinates who each have different meanings. Parang itself a symbol of the ocean waves. Parang depict the spirit and endless energy. First, the motive may only be imposed by the caste of soldiers and dukes up.
Parang Parang Barong is the greatest and most glorious that may only be used for the King. Parang Rusak used while soldiers after the war, to tell the king that they had won the war. The following picture is a picture motif Klithik Parang.
This batik silk scarves. The colors were so beautiful, with shades of gold motif. To accompany the beautiful formal and casual events. Can be worn with a black blouse and jeans nan who graciously relaxed.
I like the batik of SD. Because parents often like to wear. Parents usually wear for a walk, let alone mothers often wear batik cloth wrapped around it to stay, I also love, "said when met after filling Widy sweeping events at RCTI Studio, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta.
Widy often teased her mother as an old woman while wearing batik. But no matter Widy. Understandably, singer song Listen to this Curhatku terlancur love batik.
"I also have a kimono batik. In the house batik 'riot' (are everywhere, red). With wear batik sometimes mama said I like granny, but I'm not exactly a problem like that," said the claim had a collection Widy This batik handbags and wallets.
Batik Tulis is making batik using canting. Painting batik motifs one by one with the patient on a bed of fabric. Necessary thoroughness and seriousness in doing so. One of them is a Batik Butterfly Mayang above.
DOMPET ELEGA N Dwi -New Eksklusif * Dompet cantik bermotif , berwarna coklat, rangkap, terdapat tali, cocok di gunakan untuk pesta, jalan jalan ke mall menaruh HP, menaruh pernak pernik ataupun untuk hadiah dan cinderamata orang terkasih anda. UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 13 cm x 7 cm HARGA : Rp 20.000,-
DOMPET ELEGAN Motif Bunga -New Eksklusif * Dompet cantik bermotif bunga, berwarna hitam, terdapat tali kancing dan lipitan didalamnya, cocok di gunakan untuk pesta, jalan jalan, ke mall , ataupun untuk hadiah dan cinderamata orang terkasih anda. UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 16 cm x 6,5 cm HARGA : Rp 35.000,-
DOMPET ELEGAN Motif Bulu -New Eksklusif * Dompet cantik bermotif bulu, berwarna ungu, terdapat tali kancing dan lipitan didalamnya, cocok di gunakan untuk pesta, jalan jalan, ke mall , ataupun untuk hadiah dan cinderamata orang terkasih anda. UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 16 cm x 6,5 cm HARGA : Rp 35.000,-
DOMPET ELEGAN Motif Bunga -New Eksklusif * Dompet cantik bermotif bunga, berwarna ungu muda, rangkap, terdapat tali, cocok di gunakan untuk pesta, jalan jalan ke mall menaruh HP, menaruh pernak pernik ataupun untuk hadiah dan cinderamata orang terkasih anda. UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 14 cm x 8 cm HARGA : Rp 30.000,-
SPREI DIPAN -1 Motif Bunga -New Eksklusif * Sprei Dipan Motif Bunga, warna merah, berbahan katun, pakai karet, ada satu sarung bantal dan satu sarung guling , sangat elegan dan ekslusif pada dipan tunggal UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 230 cm x 123cm HARGA : Rp 100.000,- Tersedia pula berbagai ukuran dan warna yang lain dengan motif dan corak yang berbeda
SPREI DIPAN -2 Motif Bunga -New Eksklusif * Sprei Dipan Motif Bunga, warna merah, meriah, berbahan katun, pakai karet, ada dua sarung bantal dan satu sarung guling , sangat elegan dan ekslusif pada dipan tunggal UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 230 cm x 123cm HARGA : Rp 130.000,-
SPREI DIPAN -2 Motif bear-New Eksklusif * Sprei Dipan Motif Bear yang lucu, warna kuning, berbahan katun, pakai karet, ada satu sarung bantal dan satu sarung guling , sangat elegan dan ekslusif dan cocok untuk dipan anak- anak UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 230 cm x 123cm HARGA : Rp 120.000,-
SPREI DIPAN -3 Motif bear-New Eksklusif * Sprei Dipan Motif Bear yang lucu, warna biru muda, berbahan katun, pakai karet, ada satu sarung bantal dan satu sarung guling , sangat elegan dan ekslusif dan cocok untuk dipan anak- anak UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 230 cm x 123cm HARGA : Rp 120.000,-
SPREI BATIK SB-2 New Eklsklusif * Sprei batik halus warna ungu tua, berbahan katun, pakai karet, ada 2 sarung bantal dan 1 guling UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 230 cm x 208 cm HARGA : Rp 90.000,- ( 9 USD ) Tersedia pula berbagai ukuran dan warna yang lain dengan motif dan corak yang berbeda
ULOS CANTIK New eksklusif * Ulos cantik nan indah dengan motif dan corak yang bagus terdiri dari selendang dan bawahan, sangat elegan dipakai siapa saja untuk pesta dan acara resmi lainnya, HARGA : Rp 175.000,- Persediaan terbatas
SPREI DIPAN -1 Motif bear-New Eksklusif * Sprei Dipan Motif Bear yang lucu, warna biru muda, berbahan katun, pakai karet, ada satu sarung bantal dan satu sarung guling , sangat elegan dan ekslusif dan cocok untuk dipan anak- anak UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 230 cm x 123cm HARGA : Rp 120.000,-
KAIN BATIK CB-4 New Eksklusif* Kain batik halus warna hijau tua, berbahan katun sangat elegan dan eksklusif cocok untuk baju wanita dan keperluan lainnya UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 185 cm x 110 cm HARGA : Rp 55.000,- ( 6 USD ) Tersedia pula berbagai ukuran dan warna yang lain dengan motif dan corak yang sama
KAIN BATIK CB-5 New Eksklusif* Kain batik halus warna hijau tua, berbahan katun sangat elegan dan eksklusif cocok untuk baju wanita dan keperluan lainnya UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 185 cm x 105 cm HARGA : Rp 55.000,- ( 6 USD ) Tersedia pula berbagai ukuran dan warna yang lain dengan motif dan corak yang sama
SPREI BATIK SB-1 New Eklsklusif Sprei batik halus warna ungu tua, berbahan katun, pakai karet, hanya sprei saja tidak ada sarung bantal dan guling UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 230 cm x 208 cm HARGA : Rp 55.000,- ( 6 USD ) Tersedia pula berbagai ukuran dan warna yang lain dengan motif dan corak yang sama
KAIN BATIK CB-2 New Eksklusif* Kain batik halus warna merah, berbahan katun sangat elegan dan eksklusif cocok untuk baju wanita dan keperluan lainnya UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 185 cm x 105 cm HARGA : Rp 45.000,- ( 5 USD ) Tersedia pula berbagai ukuran dan warna yang lain dengan motif dan corak yang sama
KAIN BATIK CB-3 New Eksklusif Kain batik halus warna ungu, berbahan katun sangat elegan dan eksklusif cocok untuk baju wanita dan keperluan lainnya UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 185 cm x 105 cm HARGA : Rp 45.000,- ( 5 USD ) Tersedia pula berbagai ukuran dan warna yang lain dengan motif dan corak yang sama
Kain batik halus warna hijau muda, berbahan katun sangat elegan dan eksklusif cocok untuk baju wanita dan keperluan lainnya UKURAN PANJANG/ LEBAR: 185 cm x 105 cm HARGA : Rp 45.000,- ( 5 USD ) Tersedia pula berbagai warna dan ukuran yang lain dengan motif yang sama
tas batik murah, design bagus dengan corak batik khas jawa, seperti pada gambar, cocok untuk pergi ke mall, camping, liburan, tidak memuat banyak tempat, bagus di gunakan oleh siapa saja, dan kapan saja.
Kliwed Batik is a description of the war against the Dutch VOC soldiers with the strategy road meanders (Indramayu language synonymous with liwad-liwed). Please enjoy the beauty of this one is an orange batik
Although the materials used for batik is now diverse, still painted batik using canting and night for batik. And, the night still be able to sip into the fabric fibers before dipped into the desired color, from color to color the young and older.
Peacock Brunding (negotiate) describes the negotiations between the native Dutch, but the natives refused because people had run out of food which is often robbed by the Dutch. There are residents who were forced to become a chef / cook's helper, because of the empowerment of all orders eventually follow.
But the chef is smart, she told the family that if residents did not want to negotiate all the house residents will be destroyed. So the fathers had a tactic, a war at night because the Dutch could not fight at night, it happens a guerrilla war.
Unique batik from Indramayu: Batik Golden Cap. Describing the prevailing currency in the time before independence under Dutch colonialism perpetuated by the coin image motif
Sidoasih motive meaning is life in love, managed to build families and communities through love and affection for one another. Batik symbols have a deep philosophical meaning that we need to also Model in everyday life. Do not just love the beauty of its physical meaning is also the philosophy behind it as well.
Batik white background. Megamendung motif decorated beautiful and timeless. Consisting of three colors: bright green, Blue graceful and beautiful Purple. This time we display is a blue-patterned