Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Typical Batak Cloth Ulos

One characteristic of the island of sumatra, especially north sumatra is Batak tribe, which saves a lot of customs. In addition there are the traditional cloth typical of this region. This fabric is often used during funeral ceremonies, weddings and other ceremonies.

Process for making ulos itself takes a long time. so naturally if the Ulos price is very expensive. Because the process of making Ulos relatively similar to traditional woven fabrics in general. That is why, patience and perseverance is needed when producing a ulos.

According to customs Batak, Batak everyone will receive at least three kinds Ulos since his birth until death. First, he will get Ulos when the new born into the world. His name, Ulos Parompa. Formerly, named Ulos Paralo-alo Tondi. Second, Ulos Marjabu. Ulos this will be received when she married. The latter, he will receive Ulos when she died. In the Batak language, was called Saput Ulos.

If the first Ulos produced only for the scarf and sarong kebaya for couples. But now, Ulos also often used as a raw material for making various kinds of handicrafts, such as bags, pillowcases, tablecloths, belts, wallets, or curtains.

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